June 15, 2020

GRAS Associates, a fully owned subsidiary of Nutrasource Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Services Inc. (Nutrasource), successfully submitted a GRAS Notice to FDA on behalf of Daepyung Co., Ltd, (Daepyung) a natural product ingredient supplier based in South Korea.
GRAS Notice (GRN 878) was submitted to notify FDA of a GRAS conclusion for the use of Daepyung's enzyme-modified steviol glycosides (EMSG) as a general-purpose sweetener. On May 11, 2020, a “no questions” letter was received from FDA after the Agency's review of GRN 878.
Amy Mozingo, Director of Operations, GRAS Associates LLC states, “We are pleased to have facilitated the entry of Daepyung’s EMSG into the US market. Dr. Katrina Emmel, GRAS Associates Senior Scientist and Project Manager who specializes in steviol glycosides and sweeteners, led the project and worked with Daepyung to compile a robust dossier to meet the GRAS standard.”
“Daepyung, the global leading stevia company, produces top-notch stevia through 27 years of accumulated experience and R&D, which we are supplying to a wide range of clients throughout the world. We have been cooperating with the experts from Nutrasource since 2012 to have our stevia obtain ‘no questions’ letter for the US FDA GRAS, and we currently have 5 GRAS Numbers including the newly approved GRN 878 in 2020,” said David Kim, Managing Director, Daepyung Co., Ltd. He continued, “The safety of Enzyme Modified Steviol Glycosides has once again been verified through the new FDA Letter, and I am glad to announce that our customers could enjoy the benefits of Daepyung’s next generation stevia with added assurance of safety.”
Nutrasource and GRAS Associates are pleased to have supported Daepyung in gaining market access for EMSG and look forward to supporting the global nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries with strong science and strategic regulatory solutions.